Leí la
sinopsis, vi el trailer y al cine que fui. Chico treintañero que busca su
"yo en el espacio", sentimentalmente hablando: 16 años más joven, de
su quinta y de 16 años mayor. ¿Con quién creéis que se queda o quién de ellas
le elige? Ese es la historia, a lo corto, en base a la cual reflexionamos, los
espectadores, sobre los estados, las crisis y los enfoques de cada edad en un
entorno universitario.
tiene su momento y cada momento tiene su todo. Cuando queremos hacer lo que no
se corresponde al momento, el conflicto sobrepasa el nivel de tolerancia.
Josh Radnor, muy conocido por "Ted" en "Como conocí a vuestra madre", es el director, guionista, protagonista, casi
nada, y además atractivo. Es su segundo largometraje como director y en mi
modesta opinión, tiene un prometedor futuro. El primero,
"Happythankyoumoreplease" conquistó el Premio del público en el Festival
de Sundance.
Elizatbeth Olsen, es una actriz que entre 2011 y 2012 ha participado en 5
largometrajes. También promete.
resto del reparto, Richard Jenkins, Allison Janney y Elizabeth Reaser, hacen
creíbles sus personajes, todos muy bien definidos.
Es una
comedía romántica en la cual la literatura y la música clásica tienen una presencia
sutil que envuelve la temática central:
la madurez. Recomendable.
' Liberal Arts' ,
read the synopsis, watched the trailer, and went straight to the cinema. A
thirty-year-old guy who is looking for “his role in life,” romantically
speaking: 16 years younger, of the same age and 16 years older. Who do you
think he finally stays with or which of them chooses him? That is a brief
summary of the story, on the basis of which viewers reflect on the life, the crises,
and the priorities of each age group in a university atmosphere.
has its moment, and each moment has its everything. When we want to do
something which is not appropriate at the time, the conflict exceeds the
tolerance level.
Josh Radnor, very well known for his role as "Ted" in " How I Met Your Mother. ",
is the director, scriptwriter, lead actor, and also handsome. It is his second
film as director and in my modest opinion, he has a promising future. The first
one, "Happythankyoumoreplease" received the Public Award at the
Sundance Festival.
the actress Elizatbeth Olsen, performed in five films between 2011 and 2012 and
she shows also promise.
rest of the cast, Richard Jenkins, Allison Janney y Elizabeth Reaser, make
their characters credible.
is a romantic comedy in which literature and classic music both have a subtle
presence that reflects the core subject: maturity. Recommended.
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