Como todos los años por estas fechas
los cines y las televisiones nos contarán multitud de historias sobre Papa Noel
que seguro que hacen las delicias de toda la familia. Unas divertidas y otras
tiernas, lo importante es pasar un poco de tiempo todos juntos olvidándonos del
trabajo por unos días.
Nuestra historia comienza en el siglo IV en Patara, una ciudad de la actual Turquía, donde nace Nicolás en la casa de una familia acomodada. Desde pequeño Nicolás destaca por su generosidad y cuando sus padres mueren por la peste decide repartir su gran fortuna entre los pobres y hacerse sacerdote.
Laura Pont.
Do you know the real Santa Claus story?
Although the legend of the Saint is very ancient, its modern form is an American invention. In fact, it was the English writer Clement Moore who, in 1823, created the character handing out gifts mounted in his sleigh, pulled by nine reindeer.
And it was in 1931 when a well-known brand of soft drinks adapted the character to the colours of their logo, dressing him in red with a belt and black boots.
You know what Santa Claus looks like today, and even if it is only a tradition, I hope that this year brings us all much happiness.
Merry Christmas!
Laura Pont.
Translation review: Yolanda Solo.
Este año, cuando veía la primera de
las historias, me surgió una duda: ¿cuál es la verdadera historia de este
Nuestra historia comienza en el siglo IV en Patara, una ciudad de la actual Turquía, donde nace Nicolás en la casa de una familia acomodada. Desde pequeño Nicolás destaca por su generosidad y cuando sus padres mueren por la peste decide repartir su gran fortuna entre los pobres y hacerse sacerdote.
Después de una brillante carrera
sacerdotal y de adjudicársele varios milagros, Nicolás muere en diciembre del
año 345 y es enterrado en Bari (Italia). Después de su canonización pasa a
llamarse San Nicolás de Bari.
La tradición europea sitúa al santo
repartiendo caramelos entre los niños el día de Navidad y son los emigrantes
holandeses quienes en el siglo XVII llevan esta tradición a EEUU donde pasan a
llamarlo Santa Claus a raíz del nombre del santo en alemán (Sankt Nikolaus).
Aunque la leyenda del santo es muy
antigua, su aspecto moderno es una invención estadounidense, de hecho fue el
escritor inglés Clement Moore quien, en 1823, lo imagina repartiendo los
regalos montado en su trineo tirado por 9 renos.
Y fue en 1931 cuando una conocida
marca de refrescos lo adapta a los colores de su logo y lo viste de rojo con
cinturón y botas negras.
A día de hoy ya sabéis como es
nuestro Papa Noel, y aunque solo sea una tradición, espero que este año nos
traiga a todos mucha felicidad.
¡¡Feliz Navidad!!
Laura Pont.
Do you know the real Santa Claus story?
Every year at Christmas, cinemas and
television show a number of Santa Claus stories sure to delight the entire
family. While some of them are fun and others touching, the most important
thing to do at this time of year is spend time together, forgetting about work
for a few days.
This year, when I saw the first of these stories, I asked myself “What is the real story behind this character?”
Our story begins in the 4th century in Patara, a city in what we know now asTurkey , where
Nicolas was born into a wealthy family. Even when he was a little boy, Nicolas
was very generous, and when his parents died due to the Black Death, he decided
to distribute his great fortune among the poor and become a priest.
This year, when I saw the first of these stories, I asked myself “What is the real story behind this character?”
Our story begins in the 4th century in Patara, a city in what we know now as
After a brilliant career as a priest and
several awards for miracles, Nicolas died in December of the year 345, and was
buried in Bari (Italy ). After his canonization, he
became known as St. Nicolas de Bari.
European tradition has the saint distributing sweets to children on Christmas day, and Dutch emigrants took this to the United States in the 17th century, where they started calling him Santa Claus, derived from the name of the saint in German (Sankt Nikolaus).
European tradition has the saint distributing sweets to children on Christmas day, and Dutch emigrants took this to the United States in the 17th century, where they started calling him Santa Claus, derived from the name of the saint in German (Sankt Nikolaus).
Although the legend of the Saint is very ancient, its modern form is an American invention. In fact, it was the English writer Clement Moore who, in 1823, created the character handing out gifts mounted in his sleigh, pulled by nine reindeer.
And it was in 1931 when a well-known brand of soft drinks adapted the character to the colours of their logo, dressing him in red with a belt and black boots.
You know what Santa Claus looks like today, and even if it is only a tradition, I hope that this year brings us all much happiness.
Merry Christmas!
Laura Pont.
Translation review: Yolanda Solo.