- Encuentro de
Productores y Guionistas
- Encuentro de
Directores- Sesiones Especiales de Cortometrajes (bibliotecas, centros culturales, centros penitenciarios y más)
- Premios Madrid en Corto
- Premio Telemadrid/La Otra
- Talleres de Cine
El evento tiene el
récord en número de espacios de exhibición. Este año más de 180 cortos
concursantes fueron proyectados en un centenar de espacios de la comunidad de
Madrid: centros culturales como los Teatros del Canal, Centro de Arte Dos de
Mayo CA2M y también municipales,
universidades, bibliotecas o centros penitenciarios. La Universidad CEU San
Pablo colaboró con un coloquio tras la proyección de
los cortometrajes 'Internial Love' y 'Efímera' en el que participaron sus
directores, José y César Esteban Alenda y Diego Modino, respectivamente, y el
profesor y crítico de cine Juan Orellana y en el que se quería mostrar a los
alumnos el trabajo que supuso la realización de los mismos. Esta actividad tuvo
lugar dentro de la sección 'Así se hizo'.

Durante la noche del viernes se
homenajeó al director sevillano Fernando
Franco, el ganador del Premio Goya 2014 a Mejor Director Novel por su largometraje
'La Herida' con una retrospectiva de sus cortometrajes, cuatro de los cuales
participaron en anteriores ediciones del festival: 'La media vuelta', 'Room',
'Tu (a)mor' y 'Mensajes de voz'. Otra presencia destacada fue la de Natalia Mateo, Goya 2014 a la Mejor Actriz
Revelación y reconocida directora de cortos que intervino con una conferencia
sobre dirección e interpretación tras la proyección de su cortometraje 'Ojos que no ven'.
La 16ª Semana del Cortometraje se
clausuró con la Gala de Entrega de Premios en el Círculo de Bellas Artes de
Madrid y los galardonados fueron:
"Safari" de Gerardo
Herrero; "Juan y la nube", de
Giovanni Maccelli; "Soy tan feliz", de Juan
Gautier; "Todo un futuro juntos",
de Pablo Remón; "Ficción", de Miguel
Ángel Cárcano, "Elena Asins-Génesis", de
Álvaro Giménez Sarmiento; "Los Invencibles", de Javier Barbero
y Martin Guerra; y "Pase Privado", de Natxo
El Premio Madrid en Corto es un pasaje que garantiza la
amplificación de esas películas en otros festivales nacionales e
María del Valle
Madrid 16th Short Film
Week Awards
From 19th
to 25th May, Madrid held, once again, the broadcast of the most
important short films event in Spain gathering both professionals and amateurs.
Through it we have seen the first productions of very well-known directors nowadays,
such as Borja Cobeaga, the Eight Basque surnames’ screenwriter. The Short Week
aims mainly to spread this gender between professionals and seek the support of
new artists in the audiovisual field. Throughout the week the following
activities took place:
Producers and Scriptwriters meeting.
Directors meeting.- Special Sessions of Short Films (libraries, cultural centres, prisons and more).
- Awards in Madrid Short.
- Telemadrid / La Otra Award.
- Film Workshops.
event has the record number of exhibition spaces. This year over 180 shorts
were shown in a hundred spaces in Madrid: cultural centres such as Teatros del Canal, Centro de Arte
Dos de Mayo CA2M, universities, libraries and prisons. The University CEU San Pablo
collaborated with a discussion after the screening of the short film '
Internial Love' and ' Efímera' involving its directors José and César Esteban
Alenda and Diego Modino, respectively, and the professor and film critic Juan
Orellana with the purpose of showing students the work involved in performing
them. This activity took place within the section 'The Making of' .
The 16th
Short Week had a great international attendance: Oaxaca Film Festival (Mexico),
Broad Humour (USA) and the Festival of Clipmetrajes Manos Unidas. France, which
featured a tribute to Alain Resnais through her shorts, and Austria, with a
selection of outstanding new shorts. Other sections were 'Arquitectura en Corto',
in collaboration with the Association of Architects; 'Lejos de Casa, short
about emigration and immigration , in collaboration with Red Cross; and a cycle
of Spanish short films that have been nominated for Oscar Awards and European
Film Awards. There were short films premiere, as the last production of the
recently deceased Ayaso Dunia, ' Banjo ', and committed shorts as 'Wigs', with the
actress Lola Marcellin on cancer awareness. Furthermore, the Short Week hosted
this year the beginning of the anniversary celebrations of the 25th anniversary
of the Platform for Filmmakers. Among other events, workshops will bet on analyzing
new ways of funding and promotion, such as branded content or crowdfunding.
the night of Friday the director
Fernando Franco from Seville, was honored as the winner of Goya 2014 Award for
Best New Director for his film 'The Wound' with a retrospective of his short
films, four of them participated in previous editions of the festival: ' La
media vuelta',' Room ',' Tu( a)mor ' and 'Mensajes de voz. Another highlight
was the presence of Natalia Mateo, winner of 2014 Goya for Best Actress and
renowned director who took part in a short lecture on directing and acting
after the screening of her short film 'Ojos que no ven'.
The 16th
Short Film Week was closed with the Awards Ceremony at the Círculo de Bellas
Artes in Madrid and the winners were:
by Gerardo Herrero; "Juan y
la nube", by Giovanni Maccelli; "Soy tan feliz", by Juan
Gautier; "Todo un futuro juntos",
by Pablo Remón; "Ficción", by Miguel
Ángel Cárcano, "Elena Asins-Génesis", by
Álvaro Giménez Sarmiento; "Los Invencibles", by Javier Barbero
y Martin Guerra; and "Pase Privado", by Natxo
Madrid Short
Award is a ticket that ensures the spread of these films in other national and
international festivals.
Maria del Valle
Translation review: Elvira Salinas